Expired Event

ABIDS Flamboro Valley May Classic – May 12 & 13

May 12, 2018 - May 12, 2018

9:00AM - 5:00PM

2017 Year End Award Potluck Lunch – Saturday potluck lunch right after the dog shows

Flamboro Daily Entry Fee: $3.00 cash or $6.78 Debit or Credit card

Flamboro Yearly Parking Pass: For those that wish to purchase a card to come to all of the shows, and not visit us every month to pre-register. The card will be activated for the ABI Shows. Upon return of the card in October $20.00 will be reimbursed. Cost card 25.00 12 visits = $65.68 includes all shows
Also there is a form to fill in before entering the park.
No parking fees if you are camping.